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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 07/21/04
JULY 21, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Jon LeClair, Brenda Ferland

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent
                        Jerry Beaudry, Ambulance Service Director

CALL TO ORDER:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.   

FINANCE COMMITTEE - MID YEAR BUDGET REVIEW:  Dave Edkins noted that there are some new members of the Finance Committee.  Members present were:  Tom Minickiello, Frank McKane, Dave Richardson, Joyce Higgins, Sue Laware, and Aare Ilves.  Robert Beaudry submitted a letter of resignation to the Selectboard regarding his position on the Solid Waste Committee and the Finance Committee.  The letter came in Friday and the Selectboard has not met as a group since it was received.  Dave Edkins mentioned that Rick St. Pierre did not realize that his term ran out last year, there was a consensus among the Selectboard members to see if Rick St. Pierre would be willing to serve on the Finance Committee and he has agreed to do so but was unable to attend this meeting.  

Copies of the mid-year budget had previously been sent to the Finance Committee.  Frank McKane questioned the Highway Mowing -where did the $900.00 go, as the mowing didn’t even start until last week.  Steve Neill did not have a chance to check with Pat Royce but believes that it has been paying for the mowing of the small Main Street areas.  There should be another line item to segregate the two.  Tom Minickiello maintains that the $2,000 was in there for highway roadside mowing.  Keith Weed may want to make some changes to the budget next year so it is easier to follow.  

Aare Ilves questioned the Transfer Station -Trash Removal- why was about two-thirds of it spent in the first one-half of the year?  Jon LeClair said when the budget was put together we planned on hauling to Berlin but the contract got delayed, and didn’t get approved until three weeks ago so that line will be tight.  The fees at Wheelabrator are twice what they are in Berlin.  Bob Davis is planning to make two trips a week to Berlin.  Frank McKane asked about the vehicle maintenance expense at the Transfer Station.  Dave Edkins said it was probably the cost to repair the truck after the accident but there was reimbursement from the insurance company.  After reviewing the numbers, Dave Edkins agreed to re-check the figures.  

Tom Minickiello asked where the balance of the funding for the full time EMT would go now that that position has been eliminated?  Steve Neill explained the money will be put back into the General Fund to offset other departments that might go over budget.  Joyce Higgins questioned election expense -why is all the funding spent for printing and supplies when there will two more elections in the fall?  Dave Edkins responded that it is something to look into -maybe the state pays for some of the materials.  Joyce Higgins noted that the Cemetery Uniforms is over-spent.  Steve Neill will check on that.  

Aare Ilves asked about sidewalks - has the Parris Avenue sidewalk been completed.  Dave Edkins responded that this was money carried over from the previous year but that project was over-expended because Foundation’s new owners requested that the sidewalk be moved across the street; the new owners agreed, in writing, to pay for the additional costs and the Town has to bill them for that amount.  Aare Ilves asked what sidewalk plans are there for this year?  Keith Weed responded that we are getting a price for Sullivan Street and a portion on Main Street.

Joyce Higgins questioned the Water Department Chlorinator.  Dave Duquette said that is the electrical line but he isn’t sure why it is so high.  He will call the electric company to check as nothing has changed.  Dave Edkins noted that the Alarm Monitoring is also over-expended.  Dave Duquette thought that maybe water and sewer are being combined; he will check.  Steve Neill advised that the unanswered question at this meeting would be given to Pat Royce to review.  He asked the Committee members to give her a week to ten days before coming into the office for answers.

The Finance Committee members present agreed to meet on Monday nights beginning in mid-late October to January 2005.  The beginning time is 6:30 to 7:00 P.M. and the time to end is about 9:00 P.M.   

CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

FLING ROAD BRIDGE - RIGHT OF WAY:  Steve Neill called this Public Hearing to order at 7:08 P.M.  It was posted, warned and duly advertised.  This Public Hearing is to consider a petition to alter the public right-of-way in the vicinity of the Fling Road Bridge for the purpose of replacing said bridge and to acquire such privately owned land as may be necessary for said purpose in the public interest.  The land to be acquired for the purpose of said bridge replacement includes four one-hundredths (0.04) acre owned by Romaine Bacon, Audrey Canon and Gerald L. Bacon, heirs of Doris and James Bacon and six one-hundredths (0.06) acre owned by Edna A. Farrell, ward of the Office of Public Guardian.  Dave Edkins provided an overview.  The existing bridge is a 10 foot steel culvert that is rotting-out and has been redlined by the State and needs to be replaced.  The Town contracted with McFarland-Johnson Engineers to look at the bridge and come up with a new design.  They came back with a design for the bridge that is much bigger and wider than the 10-foot culvert; it is a full-fledged concrete bridge.  Just below the bridge is the concrete dam from the old mill and that causes a hydraulic blockage that they need to take into account for the bridge.  We will need easements from the property owners on each side for the bridge for the slope work, etc.  The Farrell easement has been acquired at no cost to the Town.  The Town is working with the Bacon heirs but they have expressed some reluctance to grant the easement.  The purpose of this Hearing is to initiate the process of acquiring these easements, possibly through eminent domain if necessary.  The entire Bacon parcel is about nine acres and the appraiser has concluded that the four one-hundredths of an acre easement has no significant value as was the case with the Farrell property.  The Town shouldn’t be forced to pay a lot for it but there might be some compensation.  Hopefully, the Town will negotiate something with the Bacons if the Town decides to proceed with the bridge.  

The Town is looking at alternatives to this bridge design.  Responding to a question from Tom Minickiello, David Edkins advised that the bridge was put out for bid but it has not been awarded; the lowest bid was approximately $376,000.  Tom Minickiello said for that bridge on that road it is an over-kill for this Town.  Dave Edkins pointed out that this bridge project would go through the State’s Municipal Managed Bridge Program so they will pay for 80% of the project.  Aare Ilves asked if it would be possible for the Town to acquire the entire Bacon parcel?  Steve Neill said possibly as the Town has the first right of refusal under the current lease agreement with them.  David Edkins said we will explore this with them.  During the appraisal work the entire parcel was appraised and then it was appraised again minus the easement parcel, the difference is what the easement is worth and in this case there was no difference.  Aare Ilves asked what the figure is?  Dave Edkins responded $34,000, which is very close to what the Town has it assessed for.  The Conservation Commission is interested in purchasing it and by using their Trust Fund they do have the authority to purchase it.  The Town doesn’t have the money or the authority from the voters.  The question is if the Bacons are willing to sell it at a fair price.  If the Town proceeds with the eminent domain proceedings the Town is obligated by law to allow them to have a separate appraisal done and then we will have to negotiate.  The Town has a lease on the property that is basically for recreational purposes; it automatically renews each year and is basically for the taxes on the property.  Steve Neill said that one of the problems is that steel prices have increased substantially so the price as quoted is a big question.  If the Town goes forward with the eminent domain process it will not happen this year.

There were no other comments.  Steve Neill closed the Public Hearing at 7:20 P.M.

Brenda Ferland moved to proceed with the acquisition of the Bacon easement.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  All in favor, so voted.


Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of June 16, 2004, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With Brenda Ferland and Steve Neill in favor, the motion carried.  Jon LeClair abstained, as he was absent from the June 16 meeting.    

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the non-public Selectboard meeting of June 16, 2004, as printed.  With Brenda Ferland and Steve Neill in favor, the motion carried.  Jon LeClair abstained, as he was absent from the June 16 meeting.    

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of July 7, 2004, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With Jon LeClair and Steve Neill in favor, the motion carried.  Brenda Ferland abstained, as she was not present at the July 7 meeting.  

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that there has been a lot of rain so most of what they have been taking care of are the erosion problems.  A roadside mower was rented so the entire Town has been mowed once.  Dave Edkins noted that there have been compliments on that job.  The crew is still working on the ditches on the South Hemlock Road.  Potholes are being patched.  Jon LeClair asked Keith Weed to check Judland Heights to see how the road is breaking up.  Some of it is a drainage issue.  Dave Edkins noted that Bob Metcalf on the South Hemlock Road will be moving on August 30th.  Keith Weed will speak with him if paving will be a problem.  Brenda Ferland questioned Calavant Hill, as the whole road needs to be done.  The residents are asking about it.  Keith Weed said it is on the list but probably will not be done this year.  Tom Minickiello advised that the Highway Advisory Board looked at East Street Ext. and responded to a letter from Bob Jackson.  They agreed that if they could, they would do a portion of East Street Ext.  Brenda Ferland said the Selectboard was not advised of this proposed change.  Tom Minickiello said this was just in the talking stage.  Steve Neill advised that there is a subdivision being proposed off Great Country Road so the Selectboard will be looking for some input from the Highway Advisory Board relative to the Town accepting a Class 6 road off the River Road after it has been upgraded to the Town’s standards.   

Transfer Station:  Bob Davis made three trips to Berlin since the last meeting.  He will be on vacation next week.  Jim Aldrich will be off for the month of August.  Bob Davis will still be making his runs on Mondays but will work Tuesdays and take comp time.  The Selectboard approved this request.  The building is done and he thanked Dave Duquette for putting in the water and sewer.                            

Police Department:  Chief Smith reported that the radar sign is in.  Main Street would be a good place to start using it.  Steve Neill advised that speed is up considerably on the Springfield Road especially in the early morning hours.  Chief Smith said the Bike Auction will be held on July 29th, 2004, at 7:00 P.M.  A list of bikes was distributed.  A police foot patrol is underway.

Ambulance Service:  Jerry Beaudry reported that they received a grant for an automatic defibrillator.  They are investigating an appropriate location for it.  He met today with Paul Zock, Coordinator of the Mutual Aid in Keene, to talk about a Radio Interoperability Grant.  It will be a few years before everything is done.  Mutual Aid runs a radio repair shop.  Steve Neill questioned the furnace vent.  Jerry Beaudry explained that during the last Safety Committee inspection, they thought that the vents were too close so Pat Royce contacted Rymes and they moved it over about two feet.  

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette advised that the hydrant on Dell Street is now complete.   They are working on meter pits in Hidden Acres and are notifying fifteen homes at a time with letters.  They are re-doing the gas system at the treatment plant.  Moriarity will start this year’s meter installations the first week in August.  Dave Duquette will be on vacation the second week in August.  Work is being done on the booster pump stations.  He talked to the landowners; the neighborhoods will be consulted with respect to colors for all four buildings.  He would like to order the buildings soon, as it is about an eight week waiting period.  The problem at the Old Claremont Road Sewer Pump Station has been fixed and it appears to be working fine.  Dave Edkins said Mr. LeDrew on Lovers Lane by the bridge stopped in today and said there is a sunken manhole there that is becoming a problem with traffic going over it; there is a depression in the road. Mr. Duquette will check with Mr. LeDrew.  

BAKERY BUILDING RAMP:  Dave Edkins advised that one proposal was received and the numbers are better than expected.  There was discussion relative to scheduling a meeting with the contractor to talk about options.  Tom Minickiello felt there is a need for a committee to evaluate building needs.  Dave Edkins will arrange the meeting for the week after next but not on Tuesday.   

PUBLIC COMMENT:                  
Fling Road Bridge:  Tom Minickiello asked if it is absolutely necessary to spend that much money on the Fling Road Bridge and to get into all these hydraulics when what we have has been functioning properly?  Why can’t we repair it?  Steve Neill advised that they are pursuing some alternative options and have a proposal to do work that should be more than adequate but less money.  

Transfer Station:  Tom Minickiello is concerned with the new building at the Transfer Station.  Some of the workmanship is questionable.  When the discussion began there was going to be a shower in the building for emergencies but there is no facility for a shower.  We aren’t getting what we asked for.  Bob Davis explained that they had to make concessions due to the budget.

Web Site:  Brenda Ferland asked if the Town is going to allow links to businesses?  Dave Edkins responded that it is possible to add links to legitimate businesses in Charlestown.

Personnel Benefits:  Brenda Ferland said at one time the Selectboard was going to meet to discuss personnel benefits.  There was a consensus to schedule it in September or October.

Workshop Meeting:  Steve Neill recommended that the Library/Municipal Building priority repair list be discussed during the Workshop for the Bakery Building ramp.                

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll was signed.         

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved the following Purchase Orders:  1) Recreation Department - Rick’s Electric to Replace Women’s Shower Faucets $960.50; and 2) Wastewater Department - Merriam-Graves for hydrogen chloride gas $426.60.  The third purchase order for the Water and Wastewater Departments - Rotondo Pre-cast for booster pump station buildings at $15,500.00 - will be voided and corrected to reflect that the buildings are $15,500 each.

Abatement:  The Selectboard approved an Abatement in the amount of $1,198.50 because the property is exempt from property tax, as it is owned by a government agency.

Veterans Exemption:  The Selectboard approved a Veteran Exemption.

Notice of Intent to Cut:  The Selectboard signed a Notice of Intent to Cut for the Old No. 4 Rod, Gun and Snowmobile Club.

Peddler’s License: the Selectboard signed A Peddler’s License for Frank Fairbanks.

Cemetery Deeds:  Three Cemetery Deeds were approved and signed by the Selectboard.

Quit Claim Deed - Tax Collector’s Deed:  The Town received payment for a piece of property that it took for taxes.  The owner has redeemed it by paying the taxes and penalties.  The Selectboard signed the Quit Claim Deed.  

Resignation:  Steve Neill advised that a letter was received from Robert Beaudry submitting his resignation from the Finance Committee and the Solid Waste Committee to be effective immediately.  

Brenda Ferland moved to accept the resignation of Robert Beaudry with regret.  She requested that a letter be sent to him thanking him for all the time he spent on all the committees.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  All in favor, so voted.  

Steve Neill advised that Rick St. Pierre is willing to fill the vacancy on the Finance Committee.  This does not necessarily make him the Chairman of that committee.  The Selectboard will look for someone to fill the vacancy on the Solid Waste Committee.           
No. 4 Rod, Gun and Snowmobile Club:  A letter is being sent to the Old No. 4 Rod, Gun and Snowmobile Club as they are seeking tax-exempt status as a charitable organization.  The Selectboard requested additional information and documentation from them.  They will have 30 days to respond.

Propane Bids:  A memo was sent to the Selectboard regarding the three propane bids for next year.  Rymes was the low bidder.  The Town used them last year and there were no problems.

Jon LeClair moved to accept the bid from Rymes Propane Gas for $1.299 for propane.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  All in favor, so voted.

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that there are no Conservation Commission meetings in July and August.

CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that CEDA did not meet this month.

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Planning Board met last night and gave approval for a sign for Pellerin’s Ice Cream business on Main Street.  The Board tabled a two-lot subdivision application for Joanne Lemieux and Susan Barna on the Old Claremont Road as it was incomplete; an addition of a new structure at Whelen Engineering was accepted and approved at CEDA Park; and a 15-lot subdivision in North Charlestown was tabled.

Solid Waste Facility:  Jon LeClair said there have been no Solid Waste Facility meetings.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION (if necessary) - RSA 91-A:3 II:

Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) to discuss Personnel.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
David M. Edkins         
   Administrative Assistant
To the Selectboard                              Approved,

                                                                Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                                Brenda L. Ferland

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the August 4th, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)